
Showing posts from 2018

29A Venture Concept

Opportunity The opportunity I chose is drone surveillance. Drone surveillance can be used to survey land, keep watch over farms when owners are not available, and assuring businesses that their companies are safe by monitoring the building to watch for any criminal activity. I feel that those who have the need most are business owners, farmers and police but the opportunity is not limited to only these. The nature of the need is security, due to the high number of crime rates and the large amount of land owned by most farmers the opportunity was created. I would say that customers are satisfying this need already by having security systems installed in their homes, businesses, and farms. However unlike most security systems today the drone surveillance is not limited in movement like other cameras, they are able capture an aerial view. Limited movement can hinder the solving of a crime, with drone surveillance more ground is able to be covered. I believe the opportunity is fairl

30A Final Reflection

   1.     I went back and reread through some of my older posts and was able to answer the following questions below.    2.     I believe for my most formative experience it was all of the assignments that we had to uncover opportunities this gave me a new perspective on how to approach business. If you are solving peoples problems that is a sure way to make money. The experience I’ll remember for years is one of the most recent celebrating failure. Like Thomas Edison failure isn’t a stopping point it’s just a way that didn’t work and I believe this will be helpful throughout my future. My most joyous experience was at the beginning the bugs assignment even though it was a bit tough it was a helpful assignment for the class and it gave me the opportunity to complain. Finally the experience I pride myself on most for accomplishing was the elevator pitches because they were so nerve racking of all in my opinion .         3.   I definitely see myself more as an entrepreneur t

28A Your Exit Strategy

    1.   For my exit strategy I like to keep an open mind with unlimited possibilities because you never know what the future might hold. However if I had to pick one now I would I’d protect my venture as a family business for my children. Giving them the tools and ideas to be successful and that they could pass down from generation to generation.     2.   As I said above I would like to give my children something but also make them work or it. This is something that can be passed an and grow along with each generation that makes it their own and build a family legacy.              3.I would say this idea has influenced my decisions during this course. I chose an opportunity that has potential to grow and can be used in various scenarios. Also for the plan of resources I chose mostly local resources to help keep me popular with local firms and the general population. This strategy should provide me years to come with business. I had always hoped to grow my own business and ma

27A Reading Reflection No.3

1.        What surprised me the most was how the Wright brothers were so alike and how well they were able to work with each other despite being apart in age. This is actually what I admired the most about the Wright brothers they had enough respect for one another and did not seem to give the impression that one was superior over the other. There was honestly nothing that I disliked about the entrepreneurs. Yes! The Wright Brothers encountered many adversities and   failures along the way the biggest probably being so many failed test flights and another being that they were unable to sell their invention to the U.S until after selling to France. 2.        The Wright Brothers were determined, skilled, intelligent, humble and quick to try again after failing. These are an important set of skills for any entrepreneur to have. 3.        What confused me the most in the reading was after so many attempts why hadn’t the brothers given up? They could have given up and resumed

26A Celebrating Failure

1.        This semester I’ve repeatedly failed to make a good grade in my data analysis class. I’ve studied numerous times and still was not prepared for the task of answering the exam questions correctly. 2.        I’ve learned that sometimes you just aren’t good at something no matter how hard you try to study. You should not give up though because with hard work you can still get by. 3.        I believe failure is hard, it down right sucks! It’s one of my biggest pet peeves to fail at anything it’s a huge embarrassment and it’s hard to swallow. I’ve learned to pick myself back up and keep trying whether you are trying a new method or the same as before. Giving up is worse than failure in my opinion because you fail 100% of the time you don’t try. This class has changed my perspective on failure because it shows us better ways of doing things and knowing that a lot of entrepreneurs fail on their first or even second and third time is very comforting. I have come more ac

25A What's Next?

Existing Market I believe in terms of what’s next for my venture as far as products and services maybe something along the lines of drone deliveries. This could start local and potentially expand. Interview #1 Case When asked something we should do that we aren’t planning to do, he suggested surveying hunting grounds for hunters. This could help hunters plan when and where to hunt. He thought it would be a really great idea especially for someone like him who lives more excluded from town. Interview #2 Travis Something he thought we should do that we had thought about but not planned was private surveillance. This came up because he recently had one of his dogs shot and would like to catch the person who did it. He thought the drone delivery idea would be successful. Interview #3 Ciara When asked what we weren’t doing that we should be she replied with us not using the drones as a means for delivery, I brought up that I actually planned on that being my next ve

24A Venture Concept No. 1

Opportunity My opportunity is drone surveillance. The drone surveillance can be used to survey land, watch over farms, and assuring businesses that their companies are safe by monitoring the building to watch for any criminal activity. I feel that those who have the need most are business owners, farmers and police but the opportunity is not limited to only these. The nature of the need is security, due to the high number of crime rates and the large amount of land owned by most farmers the opportunity was created. I would say that customers are satisfying this need already by having security systems installed in their homes, businesses, and farms. However unlike most security systems today the drone surveillance is not limited in movement like other cameras, they are able to get an aerial view. Limited movement can hinder the solving of a crime, with drone surveillance more ground is able to be covered. I believe the opportunity is fairly big I feel people would feel more at ea

22A Elevator Pitch No.3

I did not receive any negative feedback on my second elevator pitch. I do not think any of the comments where silly or wrong in any way. I changed nothing based on the feed back but I did add more information about the company in this elevator pitch and I do feel that I also feel that I was a bit more comfortable in this pitch than in the others before.

23A Your Venture's Unfair Advantage

1.       Communication V : This is something necessary for any business to succeed. R : Not everyone has this skill in fact many lack proper communication skills. I : Everyone is different so there are communication skills making everyone unique and non-substitutable. N : People can communicate but doesn’t mean they are doing it in a way the customer understands. 2.       Banking Experience V: This allows me to better understand how to make a legitimate business in Florida. R: Not everyone has the knowledge or experience. I: Only those that have worked in a bank know the process and actually worked with business accounts. N: Without working through the process and dealing with the requirements it can’t be done any other way. 3.       Connections V: Connecting can be good to accomplish goals or increase sales. R: Connections are hard to come by especially useful ones. I: No one has the same connections each person has their very own networ

20A Growing Your Social Capital

                                                     Domain expert 1.        Tim Gibey is a local technician who works on all types of technology, everything from computers to drones, and has been for many years I remember my grandparents using his services for any technical or software issues. 2.        Mr. Tim is my domain expert because he knows all about the product as well as the components that go into them. 3.        I met Mr. Tim through my family i.e. my grandparents, he now runs his shop from his home. Therefore I stop by to ask him questions. 4.        Not long ago I had him clean my computer internally because it was running slow and he also answered my questions about drones and that he could repair them if I needed him to. As a return I would use his services into the future. 5.        Mr. Tim can be a repair man and drone advisor for my network as well as giving me potential leads.                                                            

21A Reading Reflection No.2

1.        The theme of the book Mindset: The new psychology of success by Carol Dweck was basically about changing your mindset to help yourself overcome challenges and achieve greater success. 2.        The book discussed two different mindsets, a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. People with a fixed mindset were more likely to give up or convince themselves they could not achieve what they were seeking after failing to reach a goal or simply failing a test while those with a growth mindset seen failure or challenges as learning experience. This connected with ENT 3003 because I feel that an entrepreneur must have a growth mindset because he/she may fail many times before reaching their goal. 3.        Based on the book I would have the students of ENT3003 to make a list of ten possible challenges or failures an entrepreneur may come across in his or her career ( five challenges and five failures). I’d have the students come up with a solution to overcome the challen

19A Idea Napkin No. 2

1.        My talents are organizing, and planning strategies, keeping records, as well as bringing people together and creating ideas to reach my achievements. My skills are persuasion, sales, management and communication. I have experience in selling products, loans, speaking and different forms of retail. I developed management skills and business development skills from UF and communication skills from FGC. I have high aspirations in life especially for business I want to start from the bottom i.e. working underneath someone to a franchise nationally maybe global. I could see this as a beginning foot hold on many businesses to come. I would use this to create other businesses in the future. 2.        I plan to offer my products and services over a wide range of clients from farmers to government entities with my drones videoing and capturing things like landscapes, cattle, crops, and even criminals. 3.        Based on my feedback I will start with large farms, places tha

16A What's Your Secret Sauce?

1. Interview #1 Here I learned that Id don't let emotions control my judgement. Another thing I gained from this interview is that I easily speak with strangers. 2. Interview #2 From this interview I was told that I was  great speaker. That I also, communicated well with people in many ways. 3. Interview #3 The third interviewee says I am good at whatever i put mind to. also that i work well with others. 4. Interview #4 In this interview i was told i did very well in banking. i was also told i was very knowledgeable. 5. Interview #5 This interview shows that I'm a quick learner. As well I have a vast knowledge that I have collected. 1.    1.      I am very ambitious. I don’t settle like most people I know, when I set a goal I reach it and then I raise the bar and continue to climb. 2.2.    I have gre

17A Elevator Pitch No. 2

What stood out to me the most was the comment that I didn't differentiate my company from others. This was also the most surprising and was the most helpful for the pitch. I didn't feel like anything was wrong or silly in my feedback. Based on the feedback I tried putting more pep in my pitch and show more enthusiasm. I also tried to differentiate my company more in this pitch 

18A Create a Customer Avatar

Some hobbies my customers have are traveling to new places looking for adventure and exploring. They are collectors of things like firearms they have a love for the outdoors and enjoy activities like hunting and fishing. They often drive 4 wheel drives like Silverado 1500 or Ford F250s also sports cars like mustangs or Camaros. Most often the vehicles are black or grey. They enjoy watching TV shows like The Walking Dead, Cops and Planet Earth. Most have no more than two children there are very few without any children. Many are not big readers however, will occasionally read political articles and future policies many are supporters of Trump, McCain. They are in their mid 20s to early 30s they have a passion for catching criminals and nature. I would say I have a lot in common with this customer avatar. When I was young I loved anything about the military and as I grew older I wanted to be a game warden because I loved nature. As I grew even older I became interested in politics

15A Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No.2

1. For my three people I chose Brett Gill a game warden with FWC, Carl Beiling a farmer with lots of pasture field, and UCSO Officer John Riggs. 2. In Mr. Gill's case what matters most for him is quality, he needs something to take photos/videos in harsh environments well enough to prove a crime is being committed as well as proper evidence for a conviction. For Mr. Beiling his main concern is the price, because he is elderly and the price of cattle fluctuates therefore he prefers to keep his costs low. Officer Riggs actually has two factors in his customer segment both price and quality. Obviously he needs good quality similar to Mr. Gill for recon and catching criminal activity but his second driving force is price this is because it is a small county that has a limited budget that they need to maintain and be mindful of when making these decisions. 3. If Gill were to be looking for the product himself he said it would be more likely of him to buy online. Mr. Gill's equip

14A Halfway Reflection

1. Time allocation would be one I found to quite helpful for example I have a class that is at the same time as this class. This keeps me from being able to sit in on the lectures which are important in my opinion but at the same time time consuming. Therefore I have decided bus rides were a great way to allocate my time by listening to lectures on the bus ride, this means I can use my other time for assignments. Self motivation is another , this class is solely supported by yourself those with out self motivation will find it hard to keep up with the class. 2. I've had several moments in my life when I felt like giving up especially after my mom passed. I've had to constantly remind myself this is want she would want for me. Sometimes I have  to have a pep talk with myself or with someone else to remember how far in life I've come. I do believe I've become more tenacious in the last two months because I am determined to pass this class and move on to the next challen

13A Reading Reflection No.1

1A. What surprised me the most was the fact that at an early age Carnegie began to work also how determined he was to succeed and that he gave so much money back to the people for things like schools and buildings. 1B. I mostly admired his determination for success and how he accomplished it for example his first real job at the age of thirteen was working for a telegraph company, he would memorize street names and numbers as well as peoples faces so he could succeed with his job. 1C. Yes, he did encounter adversity and failure as a child Carnegie was poor and there was little money to send him to a good school so he had to share one class room with 80 other students whose families also could not afford to send them to a good school, he and his family endured 3 entire months aboard a ship whose passengers were sick and carrying diseases just to get to America only to get to America and find out that is was really difficult for a man with an accent to find a good job. 2. Fr