20A Growing Your Social Capital

                                                  Domain expert

1.       Tim Gibey is a local technician who works on all types of technology, everything from computers to drones, and has been for many years I remember my grandparents using his services for any technical or software issues.

2.       Mr. Tim is my domain expert because he knows all about the product as well as the components that go into them.

3.       I met Mr. Tim through my family i.e. my grandparents, he now runs his shop from his home. Therefore I stop by to ask him questions.

4.       Not long ago I had him clean my computer internally because it was running slow and he also answered my questions about drones and that he could repair them if I needed him to. As a return I would use his services into the future.

5.       Mr. Tim can be a repair man and drone advisor for my network as well as giving me potential leads.

                                                                     Market Expert

1.        Chase Wilson was a former classmate of mine that was a few years behind me. I recently ran into him when he came into TD bank and I helped him open a business account.

2.       Chase will fill my market expert spot because he already works in my market area. He meets several people that could use my products and services and he can equip my drones with better parts. Also, he mentioned having government contracts, which could help me get a contract as well.

3.       Since he was a classmate of mine I looked up his business phone number in our system and gave him a call to ask about his market.

4.       He told me he works for various people doing various things with technology and that he may be able to give me some contacts. As a return I would promote him and use him as a source for the higher advance parts I would need or software issues.

5.       Including Chase into my network would be smart because he has many connections and could help install upgrades need to complete more advanced tasks.

Important Supplier

1.      Stella Anderson is an employee at Best Buy who happens to sell drones.

2.      Best Buy would be a supplier, which is where Stella works.

3.      I searched drones on Google and found that Best Buy sold them, so I stopped by and ended up speaking with Stella about drones and prices.

4.      Stella informed me of different types and costs of drones they had, for example they carry a lot of DJI drones like Mavic Pro for $ 999.99. The return expectation of her was that I would buy a drone from them.

5.      If I do include this person to my network it will either be for questions or to buy drones from Best Buy.

After this experience I will keep my eyes open for new network possibilities that I may come across. This experience was different because I never dug into this type of network and it took a little more looking than most others I’ve done in the past.



  1. Again, great post— really well organized. It’s awesome that you already know such an experienced technician to be your potential domain expert. It’s also great to see that you have a former classmate with a business-oriented mind as a market expert and that you just happened to run into him at work. Well done on branching out to new people to find an important supplier.

  2. Hello Chaton!
    You seem to have some solid connections for your potential business idea. Your domain expert seems like a good person to know if going into your field. Not only can he help you with the technology, but you also mentioned the possibility of potential leads which is very important when first starting a business. It's also cool that you have a former classmate that could help you in your market, that's a huge advantage.

  3. I'm glad you were able to find some quality experts near you . That's cool that one of your classmates is already starting a business. I think that your idea is awesome and you will definitely need to do some more social networking and find out other factors, but you have a good start and some good leads as well!

  4. Great post and awesome connections. Seems like the guys you talked to really know there stuff and could be of great importance to you one day. Im not sure if you have ever said it or not, but are currently, or do you ever plan on pursing this idea for a business one day? Nice job once again.


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