13A Reading Reflection No.1

1A. What surprised me the most was the fact that at an early age Carnegie began to work also how determined he was to succeed and that he gave so much money back to the people for things like schools and buildings.

1B. I mostly admired his determination for success and how he accomplished it for example his first real job at the age of thirteen was working for a telegraph company, he would memorize street names and numbers as well as peoples faces so he could succeed with his job.

1C. Yes, he did encounter adversity and failure as a child Carnegie was poor and there was little money to send him to a good school so he had to share one class room with 80 other students whose families also could not afford to send them to a good school, he and his family endured 3 entire months aboard a ship whose passengers were sick and carrying diseases just to get to America only to get to America and find out that is was really difficult for a man with an accent to find a good job.

2. From an early age Carnegie proved to those around him the amount of determination he had and this he carried into adulthood.

3. From the reading I understood that his father was a hand loom weaver , but he was put out of work when they introduced a machine that was meant to replace the need for a hand loom weaver what confuses me is that why didn't his father knowing his family was poor and needed to be supported not work on with the machines was it because he was stuck in his ways or because he was not properly trained to work with the machinery?  

4. I would like to ask Carnegie what gave him the determination to find a job and accomplish so much at such a young age. Was it because he grew up poor or was it something entirely different. I'd also like his own story as he remembers it instead of reading it from authors who have gotten it from another author I just feel like the biography either is missing parts or not entirely accurate.

5. I think Carnegie's opinion of hardwork is not only achieving your goals but overachieving them pretty much going above and beyond what you planned on. Yes I agree that over achieving or over achievement should always be something people strive for.     


  1. It seems like you enjoyed this book, do you recommend it? Hardwork and overachieving your goals is a good thing to strive for. I am curious how Carnegie found all this motivation inside of him to push forward and achieve so much at a young age.

  2. Hey Chaton,
    Great job, I like your post and also curious to read more about Carnegie, do you recommend the book to me? I personally think that determination is key to success since it will gives drive to work on something that you believe on. I also liked the fact Carnegie figured out what he wanted at an earlier stage


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