19A Idea Napkin No. 2

1.       My talents are organizing, and planning strategies, keeping records, as well as bringing people together and creating ideas to reach my achievements. My skills are persuasion, sales, management and communication. I have experience in selling products, loans, speaking and different forms of retail. I developed management skills and business development skills from UF and communication skills from FGC. I have high aspirations in life especially for business I want to start from the bottom i.e. working underneath someone to a franchise nationally maybe global. I could see this as a beginning foot hold on many businesses to come. I would use this to create other businesses in the future.

2.       I plan to offer my products and services over a wide range of clients from farmers to government entities with my drones videoing and capturing things like landscapes, cattle, crops, and even criminals.

3.       Based on my feedback I will start with large farms, places that have frequent theft and local companies. Then branch out to state entities like prisons (possibly) then federal government like national parks/ forests. These drones can get great aerial pictures without the need for helicopters or airplanes.

4.       This is a better cost approach because the drones can cover more ground quicker and provide more hard evidence, and saves from hiring and paying several employees. It is quicker and more efficient; this would be well worth it to customers.

5.       Being that I have had retail service, college background and skills of communication as well as persuasion, I believe this is a good foundation to start a business. I could also use my connections with banking. Politicians, Sheriffs, rangers, and other businesses to get me well on my way with this business.

6.       I believe all the aspects and ideas fit very well together to start a business with being able to help customers and employees with management and communication skills is key to have success. The sales experience I’ve accumulated over the years along with the vast amount of connections gives me a head start above competitors looking into entering the same market.  The vast amount of services that we can provide allows us to expand from government to public users we can help. The effectiveness of our products and services make our company more appealing and experience in banking allows me to understand the difference between an LLC and sole proprietorship to avoid personal damage to myself as well as to my company.


  1. This was a great idea napkin! Organization and planning are two things that a lot of college students struggle with, but all college students need, so it’s great that you’re able to plan and organize your life while also building management and communication skills along the way. I also think it’s great that your product will be able to protect state and national parks.

  2. Every time I read up on this idea when you post, I am amazed. It is such a cool concept that you could easily exploit. I think you have an excellent idea, and not only that, but it sounds like you have experience and a network of people to interact with and help you get off your feet in order to start this business idea!

  3. Keeping good records is so often not looked at being a big deal so it typically undervalued. However, good record keeping is so important and critical for businesses. Being in compliance and keeping track of finances and contracts is the only way to remain in business. I think this skill is great. Nice post.

  4. Great Job Chaton, I enjoyed reading your especially the first part where you mention skills that are very important in the execution of the idea. I really like your drone idea because first I find drones so cool and second because the idea aims at keeping our communities safe and secure.


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