15A Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No.2

1. For my three people I chose Brett Gill a game warden with FWC, Carl Beiling a farmer with lots of pasture field, and UCSO Officer John Riggs.

2. In Mr. Gill's case what matters most for him is quality, he needs something to take photos/videos in harsh environments well enough to prove a crime is being committed as well as proper evidence for a conviction. For Mr. Beiling his main concern is the price, because he is elderly and the price of cattle fluctuates therefore he prefers to keep his costs low. Officer Riggs actually has two factors in his customer segment both price and quality. Obviously he needs good quality similar to Mr. Gill for recon and catching criminal activity but his second driving force is price this is because it is a small county that has a limited budget that they need to maintain and be mindful of when making these decisions.

3. If Gill were to be looking for the product himself he said it would be more likely of him to buy online. Mr. Gill's equipment is financed through the state as will our products and services for him. On the other hand Mr. Beiling would prefer a physical location to make his purchases at. Mr. Beiling would also be more inclined to pay in cash on the count that he doesn't want anything he can't already pay for. As for Officer Riggs he would actually report the request to his superior i.e the sheriff, who would be more than likely to buy online. This would be financed by the UCSO department for officer Riggs use.

4. For Mr. Gill as long as it provides useful in the capture of poachers and other forest criminals it has done it's job making it a good purchase. However if the evidence collected does not provide useful then it may be a less desirable purchase. Mr. Beiling will be satisfied if he can properly watch over his fields and herds without the struggle of having to physically get around to each of the herds and fields. If there are many technical difficulties or is  not useful  then he would say it was a bad idea. As long as it is versatile enough for different scenarios and used for several different types of criminal activity it is a well deserved purchase Officer Riggs stated,  but if we have too many complaints or proves not to work well in urban environments it will be a poor decision.

5. Each interview had a use for the product and service along with having different factors that would determine if they would use the drones, except UCSO Officer Riggs who preferred the combination of Gills and Beiling's factors. Each would pay in a different form and in some cases purchased by someone else for their use ( UCSO)mostly in the form of cash or finance. Majority of the segment would be making their purchases via online shopping with one preferring an actual location ( Beiling's farm) and all would be satisfied as long as their job at hand was completed.

6. Based on my new knowledge from this segment and my interviews I would say the alternative evaluation shows that most consumers will buy either based on price or quality depending on their circumstances. For purchase decisions my sample interviews show that most will finance their projects while few others will pay the old fashioned way in green backs. Online seems to be where most people go to find their products ans services, rather than taking the time to find the closest location. For post- purchase evaluation will be based off whether or not they believe it will be useful to their jobs in these cases catching criminals or watching livestock. If it so happens to fail to do an adequate job it will be deemed a disappointment and over all a bad idea this will be helpful in future decisions, and marketing strategies as well.


  1. This was a really great write up with really solid interviewees! Like you, I also found that my target segment puts an emphasis on quality when deciding which products to buy. I also found that while many people like to buy their goods in person, more and more people are shifting to online ordering for various reasons such as convenience.

  2. I agree with that comment^^ solid interviews, nice job. I feel like most companies and people are torn between quality and price. I really think it depends on how important a product or service is to that person or company. If its a high profile need, quality is normally the most important. If quality doesn't matter, than obviously price is what would determine which product is purchased.


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