14A Halfway Reflection

1. Time allocation would be one I found to quite helpful for example I have a class that is at the same time as this class. This keeps me from being able to sit in on the lectures which are important in my opinion but at the same time time consuming. Therefore I have decided bus rides were a great way to allocate my time by listening to lectures on the bus ride, this means I can use my other time for assignments. Self motivation is another , this class is solely supported by yourself those with out self motivation will find it hard to keep up with the class.

2. I've had several moments in my life when I felt like giving up especially after my mom passed. I've had to constantly remind myself this is want she would want for me. Sometimes I have  to have a pep talk with myself or with someone else to remember how far in life I've come. I do believe I've become more tenacious in the last two months because I am determined to pass this class and move on to the next challenge. I believe it's a lot on how I was raised to not give up and I do believe in chasing dreams , because how can you reach something you aren't not looking for.

3. I would say don't procrastinate time management is essential because every week has something due for the class. It is easy to fall behind or miss an assignment without this mindset. Be persistent, don't give up because it's hard to find someone to interview or because the assignments are becoming more detailed and a pain, just push through to reach the rewards. Focus because it is easy to push this class to the side, but then you're not learning the skills needed to acquire as well as doing a good job any business must keep focus.   


  1. Awesome tips! I definitely agree that time management is a fundamental skill to manage in order to be successful in college. I too have lectures that overlap, so I’ve had to learn to build my own schedule for each class. I used to hat the bus rides at first, but I’ve also learned to maximize them by reading or looking over notecards.

  2. As Campbell said, Time management is a key characteristic for success. It's something I still struggle with too honestly haha. I like all of your tips and hope that seeing how important they are to everyone else really reiterates it for me and I can take control of what I need to! Persistance and focus and also vry important when it comes to doing well in school and all other things as well.


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