16A What's Your Secret Sauce?

1. Interview #1

Here I learned that Id don't let emotions control my judgement. Another thing I gained from this interview is that I easily speak with strangers.

2. Interview #2

From this interview I was told that I was  great speaker. That I also, communicated well with people in many ways.

3. Interview #3

The third interviewee says I am good at whatever i put mind to. also that i work well with others.

4. Interview #4

In this interview i was told i did very well in banking. i was also told i was very knowledgeable.

5. Interview #5

This interview shows that I'm a quick learner. As well I have a vast knowledge that I have collected.

1.   1.    I am very ambitious. I don’t settle like most people I know, when I set a goal I reach it and then I raise the bar and continue to climb.

2.2.  I have great communication skills that I use to help my customers as well as others to understand a different product or just the message I am trying to convey to them
3.   3.    I use my emotions as a way to relate to people and bring them closer to each other, I have spoken with emotions to make people laugh and cry.

4.    4.   I have lots of sales experience; I started young probably around 12 selling produce to local retailers. Later I sold retail parts for NAPA and now I sell products and services for TD Bank.

5. I like to learn I believe knowledge is a powerful asset. I have a diverse and vast knowledge            especially when it comes to history, I like to understand how politics and the economy work, with the ways it affects us in our daily lives.  

Part 3. From the interviews I’ve collected, the ideas are very similar if not the same. The only difference that stands put to me is that sometimes I do let my emotions get in the way and I see myself as sometimes a hot head with a temper. Over the years I’ve practiced examine myself in behaviors and reactions. I’ve gained a lot of insight on myself inward looking that has taught me a lot of my human capital and likes. The differences I think are because we are all human and I can’t see everything myself looking inward, plus everyone has their opinion to boot. For the most part I feel they were accurate, because they were mostly family or people close to me, however I fell like that could make them biased. I don’t think I would make any corrections, but I would add that I try not to let my emotions get in the way of my decision making. 


  1. Ambition is an awesome “ingredient” to have in your “secret sauce.” As Elon Musk once said, “my mind is that of a Samurai: I would rather commit seppuku than fail.” Like you, I sometimes allow my emotions to affect my decisions, but that is human nature and not always a bad thing—like you said, you’ve used it to bring people together and elicit certain reactions, and thus, influence people.

  2. Chaton, you really are killing this class. Going above and beyond for each assignment, you're starting to make me feel bad about mine. I my have to start commenting on others post just so I dont have to see how great of work you're doing. Good interviews, good analysis, and good post.

  3. Hey Chaton,
    I really enjoyed reading your secret sauce. I think being ambitious and a quick learner are important traits that an entrepreneur should have. Ambition will always motivate you even in moments when things are going out of plan and being a quick learner will help you aware of the various changes and create a product that adopt to the changes.


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