7A Testing the Hypothesis, Part 1

1.The opportunity: Drone Surveillance 

2. The Florida Game and Wildlife and Game Commission are unable to survey and successfully cover the dense wooded areas of national parks and hunting grounds. This is because no human can see or be in multiple places at once.

  • The who: Florida Wildlife and Game Commission
  • The what: they are unable to cover an entire National Park or hunting ground
  • The why: It is physically impossible for a person to be and see in multiple areas at once.

3. Testing the who? are there others who have this need ? There are businesses, farms and gated        communities who also have this need. 

Testing the what ? Places like private homes would probably be using private security cameras, there would be limitations or government regulations to abide by. There may be delays due to bad weather.

Testing the why?  I believe not everyone would be on the same page, private hunting clubs may not need drone surveillance, or farmers that house there products/livestock inside.

4A.) Noemi Arizmendi 
Who: Correctional Institutions 

What: She thinks surveillance  drones would be a good idea for the security of staff members and inmates.

Why: Cameras are limited in movement, areas could be left unsecured for inmates to take advantage of using the areas that the camera cannot reach.

4B.) Willie Croft

Who: Mr. Croft's farm

What: The surveillance of his livestock and pasture as well as to keep track of fence lines.

Why: If the fence goes down it must be repaired as well as if a cow goes down it must be treated before it is too late and it is hard to cover a lot of ground on an ATV or vehicle.

4C.) Jared Daniels

Who: Large scrap yards 

What: To keep thieves away and catch those who are attempting to steal.

Why: Awhile back people where stealing copper, people will not hesitate to steal automobile parts as well. Being that there are limited places to post cameras in a scrap/junk yard drones could cover more area.

4D.) Sue Richardson 

Who: Retirement Communities 

What: To watch for suspicious activity, ensure the safety of community residents, and to keep watch for any possible burglars.

Why: Elderly need people to watch over them and when they are living inside of a retirement community the last thing they want to worry about is security.

4E.) Danny Barroso 

Who: Airports 

Why:  Airports have some of the highest security. With such a large area and amounts of people why not add more security from above?

What: To ensure plane, staff, and customer safety.

5.) I have learned that there are many more opportunities than I has anticipated from the beginning. There is still a possibility of even more opportunities since I only interviewed five people. However, some where concerned with invasion of privacy which could eliminate some opportunities, but I still believe there are opportunities to this low cost method of surveillance.   



  1. This is an AMAZING opportunity. I just bought a drone for my brother for Christmas and he loves it. I've tested it out and it has a bunch of great features, definitely giving it the possibility to be used for security purposes. I think that you may have found a market that isn't being sough out yet, but once this idea comes up it will be extremely popular. I think you really should pursue this idea as there are so many possibilities and ways to go about it, it would be bound to be a success!

  2. Hey Chaton.
    I really like the opportunity. I am not that familiar with drone but the one time I felt in love wit it. I do believe there is a market out there especially for drones for security. However, I think there will be a lot of limitation in the implement of the idea, example government regulation plus people will feel insecure when there are too many drones in the sky.


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