6A Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

Economic Trend

1. For my first economic trend I chose the Tide Pod Challenge


a) The Tide Pod challenge can be found in the news a lot recently with Youtube even having to remove some of the videos posted due to the trending in teenagers and sadly even some adults.

b) I believe the opportunity exists in an odd kind of way. Stores are having to lock their shelves and permission must be asked to unlock the cases, parents are not buying the pods due to the colorful packaging of the pods appealing to younger kids making the company lose money because stores are unwilling to stock their shelves with a product that not many customers will buy, this gives the company an opportunity to change the packaging of the pods and giving them the opportunity of making a safer detergent.

c) The prototypical customer would be the stores and companies who have lost any money because of the Tide Pod challenge.

d) I think the opportunity is relatively easy to exploit because it would only mean the company would need to change the packaging and also the ingredients of the pods to make them safer.

2. My second economic trend was Tesla announcing the making of trucks

a) I found this article on the news feed of  MSN


b) Tesla is known for making electric cars , no the maker of  Tesla cars is announcing of the making of electric trucks for companies like Pepsico who have already reserved 100 of the Tesla electric trucks.

c)  The prototypical customer would be companies like Pepsico or Coca Cola and other large companies who have the need for transportation.

d) I believe the opportunity is relatively difficult to exploit due to the amount of money, research and time it would take to make one of the trucks . i found this to be an opportunity because large companies spend a large amount of money on fueling their trucks and it would also save them time because their drivers would not have to stop and fuel.

Regulatory Trend

1.  For my first regulatory trend I chose an article I found about Amazon choosing a city to build a new headquarter.

a) I found this article while searching for Amazon in google


b) The article points out that Amazon will create 50,000 new jobs that gives Amazon the opportunity to grow and for higher employment rates.

c) Both Amazon and citizens of the town have the opportunity in this situation.

d) I would say the opportunity is relatively difficult to exploit again because of the time, cost and amount of man power it would take to build a new head quarter for Amazon. I found this as an opportunity because I too at some point didn't have a job and found it hard to find any openings anywhere and amazon is opening 50,000 positions giving a lot of people an opportunity and also giving the town an opportunity to expand.

2. My second regulatory trend is an article I found about President Trump approving medicaid work requirements in Indiana.

a) I found this opportunity again on the MSN news feed.


b) The article is stating that work requirements must be met for a person to qualify for medicaid/medicare.

c) The taxpayers and government would be the customers with the opportunity.

d) The opportunity is relatively easy to exploit in my opinion not only because it has already been approved but because it will motivate the people to meet the requirements if it is for something that is of use to them, money is also being put back into the government. I find this as an opportunity because as a tax payer it does upset me to see money being taken out of my paycheck and being used by someone who is able bodied and it also upsets me that there are many people who are in need of government assistance but are unable to be accepted and I think now everyone has a fair chance by the work requirement being approved. 


  1. I like how you used the newly trending "Tide Pod Challenge" as a way to improve the way the company markets their products. I wouldn't have thought of that. On top of that I thought it was interesting that Tesla is making trucks for major companies to use! I formatted my set up of this assignment similarly but used completely different trends. It was cool to see what you came up with and ways that I can further find opportunities in things happening around me.


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