
Showing posts from February, 2018

13A Reading Reflection No.1

1A. What surprised me the most was the fact that at an early age Carnegie began to work also how determined he was to succeed and that he gave so much money back to the people for things like schools and buildings. 1B. I mostly admired his determination for success and how he accomplished it for example his first real job at the age of thirteen was working for a telegraph company, he would memorize street names and numbers as well as peoples faces so he could succeed with his job. 1C. Yes, he did encounter adversity and failure as a child Carnegie was poor and there was little money to send him to a good school so he had to share one class room with 80 other students whose families also could not afford to send them to a good school, he and his family endured 3 entire months aboard a ship whose passengers were sick and carrying diseases just to get to America only to get to America and find out that is was really difficult for a man with an accent to find a good job. 2. Fr

12A Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No.1

1. Protection 2. My three interviews were with Officer Johnson at Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Forester Jay Tucker, and UCSO Deputy Crews. 3. For Officer Johnson his need is almost constant, they could use the drones for many purposes the main use would to be to catch illegal hunters i.e poaching. This can be tricky because there are many methods of poaching, there is spotlighting at night, taking illegal game either   by killing or transporting without a license, or trespassing onto the private or restricted areas for the purpose of taking game. They could use the drones in mostly wooded areas, places where complaints are made and rivers were they often patrol,. For  Forester Tucker his idea would be frequent, but perhaps not 24/7 he believes it would be a good way to watch for wildfires or people committing crimes such as starting wildfires. Even when fighting wildfires to get aerial views without using helicopters as well as search for the path of the wildf

11A. Idea Napkin

1. I am Chaton Croft of Eyes in the Skies. My talents are bringing people together, forming ideas and striving for achievements. My skills are in communication, sales and management. I have experience in retail from selling parts to bank accounts. I have developed communication and management skills from my time in college. I have many aspirations, but specifically for the business is to start from a small elite team to an empire of a firm stretching nationwide and possibly global. I could see this business as a beginning of much more to come for me. Something I could use to potentially start other businesses or spin offs of. 2. I plan to offer a wide variety of  services for customers. From watching national forests, capturing photos of criminals or criminal activity, to observing landscapes and reporting. 3. The idea is to start with government entities whether it be federal, state  or local governments and then branching on to more private businesses. Clients would have an initi

10A. Elevator Pitch No.1


9A Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

The opportunity I had chosen was drone surveillance. Who:   The people I have come to identify to not needing the opportunity were business who were located around other business for example, those in a shopping mall or in a small plaza. Also people located outside of town. What: businesses located in a shopping mall or plaza do not see the need for the drone surveillance due to the fact that they may be accused by other business of invading personal space and also because they are surrounded by other businesses who also have cameras meaning that the cameras at other businesses may be able to reach an angle the others cameras cannot reach. People who live outside of town see no need for the drone surveillance because they feel like they are safer living out of town where crime is more likely to happen and because they are unwilling to pay a large amount of money for a surveillance drone. Why: The difference between the people needing drone surveillance and those no

8A Solving the Problem

1        My selected problem would be limited resources available like cameras with limited movement to monitor an area. 2      I would fix this problem by creating drone surveillance. First I would build a more advanced drone than the typical recreational drone, this would require some engineering to make the drones more damage resistant and stable during flight. Then I would equip the drones with high quality high definition cameras with night vision technology for night surveillance, along with the ability to zoom in and zoom out while taking photos. This would give the opportunity to identify crimes, license plates, and suspects. From here I could sell the drones to certified government agencies, as for the private customers or agencies not willing to but the surveillance drones, I could fix the problem by contracting team of highly skilled professionals with a lot of flying and drone using skills as a service to survey for them and use the drones instead of their own man pow

7A Testing the Hypothesis, Part 1

1.The opportunity: Drone Surveillance  2. The Florida Game and Wildlife and Game Commission are unable to survey and successfully cover the dense wooded areas of national parks and hunting grounds. This is because no human can see or be in multiple places at once. The who: Florida Wildlife and Game Commission The what: they are unable to cover an entire National Park or hunting ground The why: It is physically impossible for a person to be and see in multiple areas at once. 3. Testing the who? are there others who have this need ? There are businesses, farms and gated        communities who also have this need.  Testing the what ? Places like private homes would probably be using private security cameras, there would be limitations or government regulations to abide by. There may be delays due to bad weather. Testing the why?  I believe not everyone would be on the same page, private hunting clubs may not need drone surveillance, or farmers that house there product

6A Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

Economic Trend 1. For my first economic trend I chose the Tide Pod Challenge a) The Tide Pod challenge can be found in the news a lot recently with Youtube even having to remove some of the videos posted due to the trending in teenagers and sadly even some adults. b) I believe the opportunity exists in an odd kind of way. Stores are having to lock their shelves and permission must be asked to unlock the cases, parents are not buying the pods due to the colorful packaging of the pods appealing to younger kids making the company lose money because stores are unwilling to stock their shelves with a product that not many customers will buy, this gives the company an opportunity to change the packaging of the pods and giving them the opportunity of making a safer detergent. c) The prototypical customer would be the stores and companies who have lost any money because of the Tide Pod challenge. d) I think the opportuni