Assignment 2 Bugs

1.       No hardline internet providers in Providence Fl.

Why it exists?  Providence is in a rural area that is on the outskirts of AT&T’S boundaries so they don’t provide services and because its within the boundaries no one else is allowed in.

2.       No real parking for undergrad students at UF.

Why it exists? There is such a vast amount of students at the college that it’s not possible to accommodate each of them with a parking spot so many resort to buses and bikes.

3.       Rountree Moore Chevy in Lake City doesn’t have parts until the next day.

Why it exists? Rountree Moore doesn’t have enough warehouse space for parts, just space to work on cars.

4.       The traffic on 90 in Lake City around noon.

Why it exists? 90 is the main road and where a majority of restaurants are located so around lunch time everyone crowds the same road.

5.       The longer waits at Florida Credit Union in Lake City.

Why it exists? They don’t face customers directly and they have a limited number of MSR so they take a little longer to get to each customer.

6.       The bus time from the Oaks Mall to the Reitz Union is 30 minutes plus!

Why it exists? There are many bus stops along the way and even more students getting on and off consuming time.

7.       The temperature difference between wood floors and carpet.

Why it exists? Carpet acts as an insulator where as wood does not, allowing more cold air to seep through.

8.       Increasing electrical bills during the winter.

Why it exists? Power companies charge by the kilowatt and during the winter we use the heating system more which uses much more power, increasing the amount of power we use and increasing our bill.

9.       Interstate traffic on I 75 in the mornings / evenings.

Why it exists? For many I 75 is the quickest route to go saving time and mileage. So many prefer that over backroads increasing the amount of vehicles and causing traffic back ups especially when coming and going from work.

10.   Waiting in the Gainesville orthopedic center to be called back.

Why it exists? They must prep the rooms and machines on top of having numerous patients to see and dealing with their problems.

11.   When a computer or tablet malfunctions and doesn’t allow programs to work properly.

Why it exists? No technology is perfect something can short through the electrical circuit. The software maybe acting up or a simple bad internet connection could be occurring.

12.      Not enough equipment for everyone in Future Fitness in Lake City.

 Why it exists? The gym has many members who come in regularly and stay long hours.

13.    The smell of Ichiban’s men’s bathroom.

Why it exists? It is a small bathroom so when someone misses the toilet bowl or urine splashes out of the toilet onto the floor the smell fills the smaller space faster than it would a larger bathroom.

14.   AT&T customer service gives out incorrect information to clients.

Why it exists? Often times the customer service person is in an off location behind a computer looking at packages and maps that they go by, however when an engineer comes to your location the story is often different letting you know the area is rural for the speed and package you were told over the phone.

15.   Vehicle value depreciation on any vehicle

Why it exists? Whether new or used, vehicles lose value due to mileage that increases wear and tear age that causes damages or the fact that the new models are constantly made better than the previous.

16.   Multiple UF assignments due on the same day.

Why it exists? There are not enough days in the semester for instructors to spread the assignments out to fit each student’s schedule.

17.   Inconsistent work schedules at TD bank in Lake Butler.

Why it exists? Scheduling is based around a computer program rather than a manger making a schedule.

18.   A  runny nose

Why it exists? Inconsistent weather patterns (freezing temperatures one week and hot temperatures the next) as well as allergies.

19.   Windhaven’s high insurance premiums for young adults.

Why it exists? The chance of a young adult being involved in an accident is higher so in order to cover their costs the insurance company has higher premiums.

20.   Higher price of clothing at American Eagle than other clothing stores.

Why it exists? Higher priced clothing is usually made with quality fabrics.


  1. Hi again, I'm knocking out all these replies at once, ill probably keep that pretty consistent throughout the year. Your bug list is very different from mine, Half the things on your list I have never experienced or it does not bug me. The wood floor/carpet contrast does bug me though. Tile/wood floors are so cold sometimes and it makes me want to put socks on, however I will want to take them off once I'm in carpet...I understand your pain for this one.


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